Most people who know me as more than just an acquaintance, or reasonably well will understand that — 'bless me' - I am a little bit useless when it comes to grace. (Not the sister)
I am a wreck in other words; I always find a way to injure or embarrass myself.
For example on average I will hit my head on the walls in my room around three times a day at the very least.
I was under the impression that I was currently being unreasonably lucky when it came to these little mishaps-usually keeping them within the lovely boundaries of my own home or company.
It lasted two years.
Two blissful years.
Until today.
Today I left school intending to meet Jack and get a lift.
I (spectacularly) tripped over in front of quite a few people (not fully on my face, but looking like an idiot all the same) then whilst laughing it off and running to the fast escape I assumed was Jacks car...
Wrong car.
The look on that poor confused boys face as a slammed the door without an explanation.
I will deliver explanations to innocent victims when God explains why he hates me so much.
And no Matt, it was not cute.

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