Saturday 5 June 2010


"It is remarkable indeed how we human beings are capable of delighting in the mating call of a flower while we are surrounded by the charred carcasses of our fellow animals-but then we are remarkable creatures. Perhaps it is in our nature to recognize subconsciously the link between morality and procreation- between, that is to say, the finite and infinite-and we are in fact driven by reminders of the one to seek out the other."
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist

At the moment I have the ridiculous fear that I am pregnant.
Seemingly by at least like two months.
I know that I'm not; it is at least almost entirely impossible.
This has mainly stemmed from my fatty fatty belly that I am nicely forming.
I just thought it was awesome how I instantly thought 'Oh shit, pregnancy' rather than 'oh shit, three pizza huts in two weeks'; I keep trying to poke my stomach to see if I can feel baby instead of pizza- perhaps it feels different?
I got especially panicked today because it was too springy for my liking.
Food baby.

I just read this back and was like... Is this too personal?

There are too many things on my 'Do not publish onto blog list', so it is overflowing-onto my blog.

I miss Zoe Lee. Idiot. Get your act together.

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