Wednesday 28 April 2010


Glance at the IKEA catalogue and note that the use of capitols throughout that word is not the correct use of capitols. Note that this type of capitol use is often used commercially and also, in fact, by myself. Note how insignificant that thought is and how I will probably never mention it to anyone else. Also that most thoughts never find themselves to be a basis for conversation. Think about the familiar conversation that is always centered around IKEA- the one where you push a shopping trolly into those huge shelves of various drinking glasses and continue to destroy the shop, furniture-limb from furniture-limb, until you feel contented in your need for destruction.

I have concluded that I love streams of consciousness. I'm reading Brick Lane which makes me feel really inferior to people who read like timed classics (and don't constantly use the word 'like') but actually I am enjoying it.

I have surprised myself in terms of happiness, I don't feel like going to sleep and giving up every second which is... I cannot tell you how good it is.
And things that would have upset me drastically a couple of weeks ago don't seem so daunting.

Trying to work out what this supposed 'leg thing' is that Rihanna does but youtube thinks that being really shit is a fun game.
It is not a fun game.


    foolish bwoi :)

  2. Pahaha

    I did think

    But then I got into the frame of mind that I had misspelt it by using 'capital' before

    I was so convinced !

    Ah well.
