Wednesday 7 July 2010


The recent beginning (yesterday) of my week-long facebook strike has lead to me reading various 'next blog' blogs on here for the sake of something to fill spare time with and honestly for the sake of logging into something.
I found this woman who had a kind of crafts blog I guess?
And she had made these really simple black paper cut out's of like a bird and a woman lifting a kid then layered them over like music sheets and I was like actually they are really something.
So I read into it and the general technique is called 'Scherenschnitte'. My love of hilarious German words only deepened my love for this and I actually made one but my scanner is ballsing up (probably for the best... I think I should stick to the stick men actually).
But yeh, that is what that is.
The german word for 'Elbow' is 'Elbowgen'- I don't think you spell it like that but still.

The facebook strike isn't (although it should be) a comment on their constant inability to create a chat that works but is only really because I was getting a bit sick of it. It is becoming less of a convenient communication option and more of an excuse to do nothing and waste my time looking at things that actually I'm not even interested in; also which occasionally make me kind of angry because people I know act like they are someone completely different.

Next time I will post a picture
I have outdone myself in boring :)

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