Friday 18 June 2010


"Well... I'm going to go upstairs."
"Am I coming?"

Right now I am struggling to over-think this very familiar situation, which debatably should not have been repeated.
Usually I am the all-round master of procrastination but it's gotten to a point where I have analyzed this situation before and it has done no good whatsoever?

So what I probably will do is read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and listen to Jason Derulo to encourage an already painfully shallow line of thought.

Friday 11 June 2010


If anyone asks me what I will miss most when I am dragged away from this place for further, further education I will answer entirely honestly. Saying the same each time.

My mother
Who unusually is very much a friend to me. (Also, she gets more and more entertaining every day)

And then secondly,
Beautiful friends like this.

I hate to think of the state I would now be in if this woman hadn't driven me away and played me Jason Derulo, because lets face facts...
I hate being alone, which is why I keep such amazing company.

I don't care how gay this post is,
Happy Birthday my lovelies
And Roxanne you can expect a card just as gay as this post, if not worse.

Saturday 5 June 2010


"It is remarkable indeed how we human beings are capable of delighting in the mating call of a flower while we are surrounded by the charred carcasses of our fellow animals-but then we are remarkable creatures. Perhaps it is in our nature to recognize subconsciously the link between morality and procreation- between, that is to say, the finite and infinite-and we are in fact driven by reminders of the one to seek out the other."
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist

At the moment I have the ridiculous fear that I am pregnant.
Seemingly by at least like two months.
I know that I'm not; it is at least almost entirely impossible.
This has mainly stemmed from my fatty fatty belly that I am nicely forming.
I just thought it was awesome how I instantly thought 'Oh shit, pregnancy' rather than 'oh shit, three pizza huts in two weeks'; I keep trying to poke my stomach to see if I can feel baby instead of pizza- perhaps it feels different?
I got especially panicked today because it was too springy for my liking.
Food baby.

I just read this back and was like... Is this too personal?

There are too many things on my 'Do not publish onto blog list', so it is overflowing-onto my blog.

I miss Zoe Lee. Idiot. Get your act together.